- We believe that in Jesus, God entered into the fullness of human life, including our suffering and death, and filled it with God’s love, overcoming and forgiving our sins and revealing the true nature of authentic human life. God the Father raised him from the dead, body and soul, in victorious triumph over sin and Death and the Risen Jesus is present to us now in the power of the Holy Spirit, as God’s first gift to those who believe.
- We believe that the Scriptures are truly the Word of God and are his unique and trustworthy self-revelation given in order that we can know him, his love for us, and his will for our lives. We believe the full depth of the Scriptures’ meaning is most clearly revealed when they are read as the whole counsel of God (rather than bits and pieces used against itself or others), within the Tradition of the Church, and in the community of believers.
- We believe that Jesus, the Risen Son of God, is truly present in the Sacraments of the Church through the power of the Spirit, and we trust the Who instead of questioning the How.
- We believe that the Church is God’s gift to humanity and the Creation, to share his love with all through servant leadership and suffering love. We believe that God’s will for all humanity is unity in his Son, Jesus, and that that unity must begin with us. Institutionally, that commitment is lived out in our discipleship as a parish, in our diocese, and as members of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
- We believe that the ministers of the Church are all its members: we have those set apart as bishops, priests, and deacons to equip them for ministry and to share the means of God’s grace.
We are part of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas (EDOD) and are a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, under the leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury