St. Matthews Cathedral


Through your generous pledges and donations, our ministries continue to grow and thrive.

Annual Pledge

2025 Commitment

As believers striving to live like Jesus, we recognize that giving is an act of worship by acknowledging that everything we have is a gift from God. It is a spiritual discipline to set aside a portion of our income regularly to devote to God’s work through the ministries of our church. It strengthens our trust in God’s ability to provide and helps us put God first in our lives.

If you would like to make an installment towards the pledge you made for 2024, use the button below. Thank you for your commitment to St. Matthew’s Cathedral!

Make a one-time online donation toward fulfilling your pledge today or set up recurring giving  with your choice for donation frequency and day of the week. 

General Giving

Operating Fund

Your generosity activates the ministries of St. Matthew’s Cathedral to flourish and further our mission. General giving supports worship, outreach, discipleship, administration, fellowship, hospitality, and more. Online giving is convenient and secure. Make a one-time donation or set up recurring giving today.

Flower Donation & Dedication

Cathedral Flower Fund

Flowers are a great way to commemorate a special occasion, pay tribute to a special person, or honor the memory of a loved one.

Your $80 donation will purchase altar flowers for the designated week. Envelopes for each Sunday of the year are available on a peg board in the foyer of the Great Hall. Simply choose the Sunday that you would like to have the Altar Flowers dedicated for, place your $80 donation within it, add your name and the dedication to the outside of the envelope, and place it in the basket on the peg board or in the plate on Sunday. If you would like to choose a Sunday in the future, feel free to do so at any time and return the envelope with dedication and funds within 2 weeks of taking it.

You may pay online, however you must still take the envelope off of the board, complete it, and return it.

Food Pantry Donation

Support Food Pantry & Clothes Closet

Serving neighbors for over 20 years, St. Matthew’s bridges gaps in the local community’s food and living requirements with supplemental food relief, seasonal clothing, personal hygiene products, blankets, and more.

Music Program

Support the Choir

Support the Choir of St. Matthew’s Cathedral in it’s musical endeavors through Sunday Services, Evensongs, and the Annual Remembrance Concert.

Remembrance Concert

Making a donation toward our Annual Remembrance Concert in the fall of each year is great way to pay tribute to a special person, or honor the memory of a loved one. Please make sure to email your special dedication to Katy White immediately after submitting your donation, so that it can be acknowledged in the Remembrance Concert program.

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